Videos about Nepal on Dutch TV
and a compilation by NCELL

Peter R deVries, about trafficking and kamlari, 51 minutes, April 25, 2014

Nepal after the earthquakes in 2015, by NCELL, 4 minutes, October 31, 2015

Nepal half a year after the earthquakes in 2015, 46 minutes, November 1, 2015

Doutzen in Nepal, about childrens problems in Nepal, 26 minutes, December 20, 2015

Floortje Dessing visits an Orphanage in Surkhet, Nepal, 35 minutes, January 27, 2016

NOS Journaal, still no money for rebuild made available, 3 minutes, February 13, 2016

Een.BE - On the Roof of the World in Nepal-part 1, 16 minutes, Poonhill Trek, March 2013

Een.BE - On the Roof of the World in Nepal-part 2, 18 minutes, Touring with a Royal Enfield, Pokhara Area, March 2013

Een.BE - On the Roof of the World in Nepal-part 3, 15 minutes, March 2013,
Kathmandu, Bhaktapur and the Shivaratri feast to honour Shiva, God of the Hindus

NOS - Pauw in Nepal, 42 minutes, May 9, 2016, See the status after one year of Rebuild or lack thereof.

Wedding Day in Nepal, 43 minutes, July 7, 2016, A report about Child Marriage in Nepal.

Gerschtanowitz helps fighting child abuse, 25 minutes, november 6, 2016, A report about Terre des Hommes in Nepal.

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